Saturday, January 17, 2009

More new photos

This is is my "Dancing Queen" necklace. I did her one night when I was watching Dancing with the stars. She is a pendant and hangs on a sterling silver chain. The pendant is 4/ 3/4 inches by 3 inches. Her torso, arms and legs are sterling silver. Hair and heart are copper. Skirt is an old brass fan charm and head is a brass washer. She is riveted in nine places and can do lots of different dances. She sells for $179

This too is a necklace. Handcrafted from sterling silver, copper and brass. The whole necklace is approximately 22 inches long and the people and heart are each about 2 1/4 inches tall by 1 1/2 inches wide. price is $139

"Key to My Heart" necklace is approximately 24 inches long. The heart is brass and sterling silver with a brass turning on the bottom. Chain is sterling silver and has a hand fabricated clasp. The heart is riveted to another textured piece of brass that has a keyhole cut out of it. The heart(including the turning) is approximately 5 inches long and 2 1/2 inches wide. Price for this necklace is $159

Copper and sterling heart necklace. Copper heart is textured and fold formed. It is soldered on to another sheet of copper and there is a heart cut out on the back side. The arrow and spiral are sterling silver. The copper on the chain is all hand coiled The heart itself ( including the arrow) is approximately 3 inches tall by 3 1/2 inches wide.

Price is $259

My new pictures are here!!!!

This guy's about 2 3/4 inches tall and 1 1/2 inches wide and can be used as either a necklace or a pin.His body is sterling silver and typewriter parts are riveted to his upper body. (kind of makes him look like a"star trek captain". I have soldered another part of the typewriter on his legs and riveted a typewriter key to his head. His arms are African trade beads, glass and brass beads. He has a carnelian belly button. The parts were taken off a portable Smith Corona typewriter. Price is $99

Typewriter lady. Arms and legs are the strikers off a typewriter. The body and head are sterling silver riveted to a copper back. The adornments on the dress are pieces from the inside of a Royal typewriter. Her belt is the ruler on they same typewriter and face is a typewriter key from the Royal. She is about 8 1/2 inches tall and about 3 1/2 inches long. She is on a sterling chain with a handmade clasp. Price is $259

This bird is sterling silver with a copper wing. It's about 4 1/2 inches wide by 3 inch tall. A typewriter "striker" key runs the length of the bird forming the beak, spine and tail of the bird. The legs are inside parts of a Royal typewriter and the bird's head is one of the letters from the typewriter. The chain on this necklace is sterling silver with a handmade clasp and some copper spirals. It sells for $179